Books to Read

Chelsea Peddle
Pancakes with Nana
A storybook about
medical assistance in dying
"Pancakes with Nana is a heartfelt resource for families looking to bring clarity to death and dying for children in an approachable way. As young readers confront grandparent loss, this read aloud will bring a sense of clarity and togetherness for grieving families.
Beyond comfort, find:
strategies to engage and support children experiencing grief,
a grown-up’s guide for tough conversations, and
complicated information presented in kid-friendly language.
For those who found comfort in The Invisible String and The Memory Box, Sam’s story is the latest chapter in navigating loss.
Nothing can really prepare you for losing someone you love. This book gives little ones a soft place to land."
Available to purchase here.

Cynthia Clark and Carol Cram
The Many Faces of MAID
What to Expect When Someone
You Know Chooses Medical
Assistance in Dying
"The Many Faces of MAID is a compilation of stories from seventeen people who have direct experience of their loved one choosing a medically assisted death...
This book provides readers with opportunities to find comfort, companionship, and validation of their own emotions. It’s also a chance for them to explore the many feelings they are likely to experience before, during, and after their loved one’s MAID. They may experience many of the emotions expressed in these pages, or they may experience different emotions. Every journey is unique, and every journey is valid. Readers are encouraged to jump into this book at any point of the MAID journey and to know that they are not alone."
Available to purchase here.

Daphne Leonie Wright
On Love and Death and Belonging
"On Love and Death and Belonging is a fresh, light-hearted, yet profound look at the intersection of the lives of three later-middle-aged people. A group often othered in today’s society and not always included in the lexicon of contemporary novels except as bit players. Fiona, a burned-out nurse, still needing a pay cheque, counting the days to retirement. Brice, a gay man coming to terms with a diagnosis of ALS and the need for care. Adelina, marginalized and living with domestic abuse, her belief in God guides her. The impacts of aging, loneliness, isolation, invisibility, and illness leading to medical assistance in dying, unite these three characters as they search for belonging. On Love and Death and Belonging gives voice to the realization that life, by its very design, doesn’t always get easier. Sometimes, it’s just plain hard."
Available to purchase here.