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Making the Most of Our Time: A Meaning Centred Group Therapy Program

Bridge C-14 is once again offering this one-of-a-kind group therapy program for people pursuing MAiD. In our experience facilitating peer support groups, we have witnessed people pursuing MAiD struggle to find meaning and purpose in this phase of their lives, while seeking a path to peace through the angst of facing one’s mortality.


Who is this program for?

  • People seeking MAiD who have been found eligible through track 1 or track 2.

  • People who want to create their legacy, foster a sense of hope, enrich connection, learn ways of coping, and enhance their emotional and spiritual well-being.

  • People who have the capacity to participate in 9 bi-weekly, 2 hour sessions online.


What is the program all about?

Meaning Centred Therapy has helped people improve their sense of meaning, reduce distress, and enhance their emotional and spiritual well-being as they prepare for end-of-life through experiential activities and conversations.


The program emphasizes the idea that even in the face of illness or impending death, individuals can continue to find and create meaning in their lives, fostering a sense of peace and purpose. At the end of the program, each participant can leave with a personalized plan that outlines their sources of meaning, coping strategies, and goals for making the most of their time.


The program is facilitated by professionals experienced in both grief support and MAiD-related care, ensuring that participants receive empathetic and knowledgeable guidance.​​



Hosted live on Zoom:

Fridays from November 8, 2024 to February 28, 2025

10am-12pm PT  |  1-3pm ET​



To participate in the program, click here to access the application form.

Only 3 SPOTS REMAIN - register today!​​



Note: Due to professional regulations, program participants must reside in the following provinces/territories:

  • British Columbia

  • Yukon

  • Northwest Territories

  • Nunavut

  • Saskatchewan                         

  • Manitoba

  • Ontario

  • Newfoundland and Labrador


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©2017-2024 by Bridge C-14

Charity Registration Number: 784953481 RR 0001  Ottawa, Ontario  CANADA

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