Songs of Courage
Editor's Note: We are so grateful to Lynn for sharing her poem with us. Lynn, you have an incredible gift of writing - your words are powerful. We are truly honoured to know you, support you and witness you find meaning and beauty in the every day. Wishing you sunny days full of digging in the dirt and tending to your garden of bounties.
"Songs of Courage"
Life is rich and barren
Days, bleak and full of joy
The paradox of living
Is not lost on me.
Grief is a state of being
Each path unique,
Where is self inside grief?
Utterly changed
Old molds shattered
Patterns microscopic
Where Us was
I exists.
I wait to feel the green
Knowing the ground is me.
For the gardener to arise.
I am the gardener.
- Submitted by Lynn Chapman, Bridge C-14 Community Member
thanks so much for sharing these thoughts in poetry with us.